The Broken Spectre |
Address gien in Templederry Church and St Mary's Nenagh on Transfiguration Sunday, the last before Lent, on 2nd March 2025
Mountain tops
are special places, places where we feel awed by the immensity of God’s
When the weather is good, the distant views reveal how puny we really
are. When the clouds close in, we experience isolation from all that is
familiar. And when the wind blows rain or hail or snow in our face, we
understand our own frailty and vulnerability.
Like most of us, I suppose, I love walking and climbing in mountains, though
I’m less able for it nowadays. I have vivid memories of many climbs. Climbing
Keeper Hill as a child with my parents, each time I thought I was near the top
another ridge revealed itself, until at the final summit half of Ireland was
laid out in front of me. Climbing a peak called Le Dent du Chat near Annecy in
France as a teenager, Mont Blanc and the snow peaks of the alps began to rise
above the opposite ridge as I neared the top. And climbing Lugnaquilla by
myself in my 40s - on a whim, unsuitably prepared – the cloud closed in after 5
minutes on the summit, and it grew cold, very cold – I was lucky to fall in
with a soldier with a compass walking from the Glen of Imaal to Glenmalure, who
showed me the right way down.
In today’s
Gospel (Luke 9:28-43), Luke tells the story of Peter, James and John’s very
special mountain top experience with Jesus.
High on the mountain, Peter, James and John see Jesus in a new light: ‘the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes
became dazzling white’, we are told. Alongside him they see two men
talking to him, whom they recognise as Moses and Elijah, the two preeminent
figures of Judaism, representing the Law and the Prophets.
Peter, always the impulsive one, says to Jesus, ‘Master, it is good for us to be here; let
us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah’.
Peter does not want this emotional moment to end – such a human response!
Then the cloud closes in around them. They are terrified. And they hear a voice
saying, ‘This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!’
When the cloud clears, they look around, and they see only Jesus. They do not
tell anyone about their experience until later.
Their experience, which we call the Transfiguration, reveals Jesus to be
the Christ, the Son of God. It must have been very important to them, because they
remembered it and passed on their story after the Resurrection, so that it
could be told to us not just by Luke, but also by Matthew and Mark.
There is a possible
scientific explanation for what Peter, James and John saw.
High on a mountain, with cloud around, is precisely when we may
encounter an optical effect called a ‘glory’. In this effect sunlight is
scattered back from water droplets in a mist, as a glowing halo - the technical
term for it is Mie scattering.
The most famous example is the ‘Brocken Spectre’, so named because of
sightings on the Brocken, the highest peak of the Harz Mountains in Germany.
This appears when a low sun is behind a climber who is looking downwards into
mist from a ridge or peak. The spectre is the shadow of the observer projected
onto the mist, and it is surrounded by the glowing halo of a glory.
You might be lucky enough to see a glory yourselves, as I have. I saw it
when I looked down from a plane at the shadow it cast on a cloud. The shadow
was surrounded with a halo of light – this was the glory.
I imagine Peter and James and John close together on the mountain, with
Jesus praying a little bit away, as the clouds swirl around them. Where Jesus
has been standing, they each suddenly see a glowing figure – it’s a shadow, their
own shadow, cast on a cloud, wrapped in a glory. And the two other shadows
beside it are those of their companions, whom they take to be Moses and Elijah.
This possible scientific explanation of the Transfiguration should not
disturb our faith.
I find that it helps me to believe that the Transfiguration really did
take place. It was not invented by the Gospel writers to serve their own
artistic or theological needs.
Their experience of hearing a voice from heaven also rings very true to
me. When human beings suddenly realise something of vital importance, something
which changes everything, we often talk of having a ‘flash of inspiration’ or
‘hearing a voice’. There are many such reports of deeply emotional religious
experiences, not only within our own Christian tradition, but also from other
I believe that God is present in and works through the laws of the
universe he created. The disciples accurately reported what they saw, even if
they could not understand the physics. The true wonder and glory of the
Transfiguration is how the subtle working out of the natural laws of God’s
creation testify to its goodness, and God’s love for it, and for us.
If this
explanation is correct, it should not change one whit our awe and wonder at
God’s power and glory.
What matters, surely is what the Transfiguration reveals to Peter, James
and John - and to us too - about the nature of Jesus and his relationship with
God. They saw Jesus in a new light, as ‘the glory of the Lord’. The voice they heard
told them to listen to him, and this they did.
I believe the Transfiguration was the moment on their long road when Peter,
James and John realised their complete commitment to Jesus and his teaching.
Starting from their call in Galilee, this road led them ultimately to
Jerusalem, to the Cross, to the Resurrection, to the Ascension, and on to
Pentecost, where they started to blossom as Christ’s Church.
And as Christians the Transfiguration should inspire each one of us to
make our own commitment to follow Jesus as his disciples. Because ‘all of us, with
unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror,
are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another’,
in St Paul’s words (2 Corinthians 3:18).
I finish in
Holy God, mighty and immortal,
you are beyond our knowing,
yet we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ,
whose compassion illumines the world.
Transform us into the likeness of the love of Christ,
who renewed our humanity so that we may share in his divinity,
the same Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.