Today we lit the 2nd candle in the advent
wreath to remember the prophets.
And today’s
readings are concerned with two of the greatest of them: Isaiah in the Old
Testament (Isaiah 11:1-10) and John the Baptist in the New (Matthew 3:1-12).
Christians see their prophetic words as referring to the incarnation of God in
Jesus, and the coming of Christ’s kingdom.
shouldn't see prophets, I think, as being like weather forecasters, or racing
tipsters - people who merely foretell the future without engaging in it. Rather
a prophet is someone who tells things how they are and expresses a vision for
how things should be. This powerfully influences those who listen, so that they
act to make that prophetic vision a reality. Prophets actually change history
through their vision!
Let me try
to tease out what these prophets’ words say to me.
Let’s start with Isaiah’s vision of a world of
peace and justice.
‘The wolf shall live with the
lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the
fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.’
Beautiful imagery
- but we all know, don’t we, that the strong prey on the weak; the natural
world is all about survival of the fittest. ‘Nature,
red in tooth and claw’ – the phrase comes from Tennyson's long poem
‘In Memoriam’ (canto 56). In it the poet contrasts the idea of a good and loving
God with the terrors of an uncaring Nature. He talks about a person of faith,
Who trusted God was love indeed
And love Creation's final law-
Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw
With ravine, shriek'd against his creed
Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw
With ravine, shriek'd against his creed
Isaiah’s vision of predator and prey at peace together can be nothing more than
a fairytale? That’s just not the way the world works. What’s going on here?
The context is important, I think.
Isaiah is
writing in Jerusalem , the capital of Judah , at a time of great danger. The
Assyrians have just conquered Judah ’s twin kingdom of Israel and carried the people off as
captives, and now they threaten Judah . Isaiah believes that the social
and political collapse of Israel was caused by its failure to live
up to the spirit of the law given in Sinai – and he sees the same thing
happening to Judah . Isaiah has just prophesied that Judah too will be overthrown, but he can’t
believe that God will desert his chosen people completely – once the Assyrians
have purged those who have broken the covenant, surely a faithful remnant will
be left.
So in
today’s reading Isaiah prophesies that from the root of Jessie, the ancestor of
Judah ’s kings, a new shoot will rise up. From the
ruins of Jerusalem , from the ruins of the kingdom of Jessie ’s son David, a new kingdom will
arise. It will be a kingdom of justice and peace, worthy of God’s favour. It
will be marked by ‘the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and
might, the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord’. Its ruler –
from the stock of Jesse – ‘with righteousness … shall judge the poor, and decide
with equity for the meek of the earth’.
It is a
vision of the kingdom of heaven. In such a society the powerful will not prey
on the weak. Isaiah’s vision is about people, not nature. Survival of the fittest
should not – must not - apply in human society, however much it does in nature.
Isaiah was mistaken in his belief that Judah would fall to the
Assyrians mysteriously abandoned their attack. When destruction came, 100 years
later, it was the Babylonians, not the Assyrians who laid waste to Jerusalem and carried its leaders into exile.
But Isaiah’s
vision was not forgotten. His words were remembered by the exiles. His vision
inspired them to hold firm in their traditional faith, to keep their identity
as a people, and to return home when conditions allowed.
Over the
centuries that followed, Isaiah’s words were studied and elaborated. By Roman
times, religious Jews felt quite certain that God would send his Messiah – his
anointed one – of the stock of Jesse, who would rule over the Jewish people, as
Isaiah had prophesied, with righteousness and faithfulness.
John the Baptist believed in Isaiah’s prophecy
and expected God to send his Messiah.
As Matthew
reports, he told his followers ‘one who is more powerful than I is coming after me, I am
not worthy to carry his sandals’. Matthew also believed that John
himself was the messenger that Isaiah said would announce the Messiah, ‘the voice of one
crying out in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths
straight”. John called the people to, ‘Repent,’ – that is, to make a
new start, to change their lives – ‘for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ – the kingdom of Isaiah ’s vision.
surely pondered Isaiah’s words too. I believe he came to the conclusion that
they were to be fulfilled in him. But God gave Jesus the insight that as the
Messiah, he must come not in physical power and glory like a secular king, but with
self-sacrificing love as a suffering servant to lead his people – all people,
Jews and gentiles alike – by his example, to the kingdom of heaven which his
loving father God wills for all his people.
The early
Christians, steeped in the Jewish Messiah tradition, were convinced that Jesus
is the shoot from the stock of Jesse in Isaiah’s prophesy. And why not? The spirit of the
Lord rested upon him. He preached the kingdom of heaven. He died that we might
be saved, he rose from the dead, and he ascended to God. Surely, they said, he
will return to rule with righteousness and faithfulness over God’s kingdom of
justice and peace.
So what of us today? Do we believe in Isaiah’s
In our own
time, as in Isaiah’s, we are faced with dangers and uncertainties. But we must live in hope for the future.
vision is in front of us – the world can be like the kingdom of heaven, filled
with justice and peace.
John’s call echoes in our ears, to make a new start because the kingdom of heaven has come near.
John’s call echoes in our ears, to make a new start because the kingdom of heaven has come near.
Jesus has
shown us the way as God incarnate. He has sent us the Spirit to lead us, and
fire to drive us forward, just as John said he would.
Our task as Christians is to do our bit to make his kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, a living reality.
Our task as Christians is to do our bit to make his kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, a living reality.
God is faithful
to his faithful people.
will not hurt or destroy
on all my
holy mountain;
for the
earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
as the
waters cover the sea.’
vision is not a fairytale – it is a vision of the kingdom that God wants for
us. And Jesus has shown us how to make it a reality.
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