What image does the name Cornelius conjure up
for you?
If you’re a
certain age like me, it might be that wise old elephant Cornelius with the
wrinkly forehead, who was Babar’s friend and trusted counselor in the
children’s book. Or if you’re a bit younger perhaps it’s Cornelius the
chimpanzee archaeologist in the cult SciFi movie Planet of the Apes, who
believed that apes descend from humans.
How many of
us, I wonder, would think immediately of Cornelius the Roman centurion, whom St
Peter addresses in today’s 2nd reading from Acts 10:34-43? Not many
probably! Which is a shame, because the story of Peter and Cornelius is important
for our faith. To understand why, I’m going to focus on that story today.
Now the
lectionary reading, as so often, is only a small fragment of the larger story,
so I’m going to try to summarise it for you. But I do urge you, when you have a
moment, to take down your Bible at home and read the whole thing, from the
beginning of Acts Ch10 to the middle of Ch11.
The story begins with Cornelius.
Cornelius was
a centurion in the Roman army, stationed in Caesarea , the Roman administrative capital of Palestine . He was in charge of a
company-sized unit of around 100 men, equivalent to a Captain, or perhaps a Major
or Commandant in today’s army - a man of substance and authority.
He was a
‘God-fearer’, we are told. These were people who were not Jews, but believed in
one God, admired the ethic of the Jewish religion and sometimes attended
synagogue – many thoughtful gentiles at the time were feeling their way to a
monotheistic faith and no longer believed in the old pagan pantheon of Gods.
afternoon Cornelius had a vision. In the vision an angel told him to send
messengers to fetch Peter from Joppa where he was staying - a day’s journey away
on foot. Perhaps he had heard tell of Peter’s preaching, and realised he should
hear what Peter had to say. Anyhow, he did as the angel asked him.
The next
day Peter also had a vision, just as Cornelius’s messengers were approaching
Joppa. He fell into a trance as he waited hungrily for his mid-day meal. He saw
a bag-full of unclean animals in front of him and a voice told him to kill and
eat them. He protested that the Jewish law forbade him to eat unclean meat, but
the voice said, ‘What
God has made clean, you must not call profane’. While Peter was still
puzzling over what this meant, the messengers arrived to ask him to go with
them to Cornelius.
The next
day Peter set out for Caesarea with the messengers and some disciples from Joppa. Cornelius had called
his family and friends together and was waiting for them. When Peter arrived he
said to them, ‘You
yourselves know that it is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or to visit a
Gentile; but God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean’.
His words would have been shocking to a pious Jew – he has begun to question
whether the strict Jewish law is really what God wants.
It is at this point that Peter gives the
address we heard in today’s reading.
First he
reassures Cornelius, his family and friends that God does not reject them
because they are not Jews - ‘I truly understand’, he says, ‘that God shows
no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right
is acceptable to him’.
Peter goes
on to speak simply and powerfully of what he knows from his own experience. He
tells them about Jesus’s special relationship with God: his baptism by John,
his healing ministry to the people of Galilee and Judah , his death and resurrection, his
command to the disciples to continue his teaching. And he interprets the words
of the ancient prophets to show that ‘everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of
sins through his name’.
While Peter
is still speaking, we are told, ‘the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word’.
Peter’s words, shot through with personal conviction, so excited Cornelius, his
family and friends that they became ecstatic, ‘speaking in tongues and extolling God’.
Perhaps it was something like a charismatic prayer meeting today, with hand-waving,
clapping, dancing and whoops of joy. Peter recognised that despite being
Gentiles they had received the Holy Spirit, just as the disciples had at
Pentecost, and ‘he
ordered them to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ’.
The story continues with Peter’s return to Jerusalem .
Word has
got back to the apostles and believers there about what had happened at Joppa,
and they take Peter to task for consorting with Gentiles.
So Peter
tells them the story from the beginning, finishing by justifying his actions in
these words, ‘“If
then God gave them the same gift (of the Holy Spirit) that he gave us when we
believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God?” … And (the believers in Jerusalem ) praised God,
saying, “Then God has given even to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to
Those who
wished to maintain a Jewish exclusiveness were silenced, at least for the time
being - though as we know the issue continued to bedevil the Christian
community for many years to come.
The story of Cornelius and Peter is a story of
many epiphanies.
It’s worth reminding ourselves what an epiphany is. The
English word comes from a Greek root meaning ‘showing forth’. It is used in two
senses. First, in everyday speech, it means a sudden insight experienced by
someone – a ‘Eureka !’ moment.
Second, in a religious context, it means an event in which God reveals himself
to human beings. An example of an Epiphany in this 2nd sense is the
Coming of the Wise Men which we celebrated last Sunday, a day early, in which
God reveals his Son to the Magi in the shape of the baby Jesus. Another is the
Baptism of Christ which we celebrate today, in which God through a voice from
heaven, accompanied by the Spirit in the form of a dove, marks Jesus as his
The story
begins with Cornelius’s vision, a little epiphany in the everyday sense – a ‘Eureka ’ moment in which he suddenly
realises that the preacher Peter might have something important to tell him.
Then we
have Peter’s vision, another little epiphany in the everyday sense, which
causes Peter to question the rigidity of the Jewish dietary laws in which he
had been brought up, which had become such a barrier between Jews and gentiles.
marvellous it is that these little epiphanies are brought together to make
possible the greater Epiphany, in the religious sense, in which the power of
God as Holy Spirit was revealed to Cornelius, his family and friends - just as
the apostles and disciples experienced it at Pentecost, and indeed as Jesus did
at his baptism. They were the first gentiles we know of to experience it.
But the whole story, taken together is an even
greater Epiphany – this is why I believe it is so important!
It shows us
God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, revealing his nature to be inclusive – God
seeks to include in his kingdom all people who turn to him and do what is
right. This is revealed first to Peter and then through him to the first
Christians in Jerusalem in the context of race: ‘God has given even to the Gentiles the
repentance that leads to life’.
But the
Holy Spirit didn’t stop there. St Paul later received the insight that
God’s inclusive nature extends beyond race, to social status and gender too. As
he wrote in Galatians 3:28, ‘There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave
or free, there is no longer male or female; for all of you are one in Christ
Jesus’. Some found this difficult to accept - Paul like Peter had to contend with
those who preferred an exclusive God – but as time moved on eventually Paul ’s teaching was accepted by all.
In our own
days I am convinced that the Holy Spirit continues to work for inclusion. More
and more Christians are being led to understand that those attracted to the
same sex are one in Christ with the rest of us. There is resistance of course –
some of it frankly quite shocking - but that would not surprise Peter or Paul .
I hope and
pray for, and look forward to, the time when the Holy Spirit has brought us all
to accept one another as fellow disciples of Christ no matter what our sexual
orientation, race, social status or gender may be.
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